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Song Zhiping Meets Representatives of Enterprises Attending the ICCC 2015

Source: CBMA Date: October 16, 2015 On October 15, at the headquarters of the Group, Mr. Song Zhiping, Chairman of China National Building Materials Group Corporation, met a delegation of representatives of international cement and building materials enterprises attending the ICCC 2015 in China. The delegation consists of many experts of chemistry of cement and senior executives of enterprises, including Mr. Hasan Yalcinkaya, President of NORM Group in Azerbaijan, Mr. Santiago Hoyos, R&D Director of ARGOS Cement Group in Columbia, Mr. Laury Davin, Director of R&D Center of VICAT Group in France, Mr. Khomiakov Grigorii, General Manager of Russian Project of European Cement Groups, and Mr. Manasit Sarigaphuti, Vice President of R&D of Siam Cement in Thailand. Mr. Song Zhiping welcomes these guests, and appreciates them for supporting and cooperating with CNBM. He introduces the development of CNBM, and shares the cement business with the guests. He emphasizes that CNBM practices the macro development strategy of green, smart, high-end and internationalized development, promotes the transformation in industrial structure of cement and the application of energy conservation and emission reduction technologies, attaches great importance to environment protection and sustainable development, and performs the social responsibilities of an international comprehensive building materials group.

When introducing business of international projects, Mr. Song points out that as the main platform of international projects of CNBM, China Triumph International Engineering will make efforts to develop business of international cement projects, advance the application of new technologies and equipment, and establish close cooperation with major international cement groups on the basis of perfecting business of glass projects. Its subordinate Beijing Triumph International Engineering Co., Ltd. Makes full use of its advantages in R&D and management, develops from a design institute with a long history to an international cement engineering company, and implements and completes a series of overseas “premium” cement projects. Recently, it has completed the 5,000-ton/day project in Azerbaijan, which is covered and highly appreciated by the People’s Daily🌳. He hopes that on the basis of mutual trust, CNBM and foreign cement and building materials groups will deepen the cooperation, give a play to their own advantages, and establish a complementary, mutual-beneficial and win-win cooperative relationship.

Representatives of major international cement and building materials groups in the delegation also make some remarks, approve the keynote speech of Mr. Song in the opening ceremony of ICCC 2015, and express thanks for inviting them to visit the headquarters of CNBM. They all say that their cooperation with CNBM is pleasant and fruitful, and speak highly of overseas projects of CNBM and Beijing Triumph International Engineering, including the 5,000-ton/day project with NORM in Azerbaijan, the 3,300-ton/day project with VICAT in Kazakhstan, and multiple 6,000-ton projects with European Cement in Russia. They appreciate good designs, thorough project management and top process of production line of these projects, and hope to enhance their cooperation with CNBM and realize a win-win development. Mr. Peng Shou, Vice President of CNBM Company Ltd., General Manager of Triumph Group, and President of China Triumph International Engineering Company, Mr. Ma Mingliang, Vice President of China Triumph International Engineering Company and General Manager of Beijing Triumph, and Mr. Wei Wenrong, Deputy General Manager of Beijing Triumph, also attended the meeting.  
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