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Koryo delegation visits CUCC Yinan

Source: CUCC Date: December 14, 2015 On 2015 December 10, Chairwoman M.H. Won, General Manager S.T. Han Dongwoo and Kim of Koryo, Korea visited CUCC Yinan Cement Co., Ltd. (CUCC Yinan). General Manager Yu Guangmin and other executives of CUCC Yinan warmly received the visitors. Following a careful visit, Won thanked CUCC Yinan for its warm reception and introduced Koryo's cement demand. CUCC Yinan's high-quality low-alkali clinker and efficient service have earned wide praise, said her, expecting it to provide quality cement to Koryo continuously.

Yu warmly welcomed the Korean visitors, ꦐthanking them for recognizing the quality of CUCC Yinan's products.☂ He introduced CUCC Yinan's production process and prospect, exchanging ideas with the visitors on issues such as cement quality, logistics and colors. He pledged that CUCC Yinan would continue to improve product quality and control colors properly, so as to meet customer demand to the uttermost, expecting the two sides to strengthen communication and coordination based on the good cooperation at the early stage, so as to provide better services. He also hoped that the two sides would make joint efforts to develop the cement market.

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