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JFE Shoji Trade Corporation Visited Xintai CUCC

Source: Xintai CUCC Date: March 3, 2016 On March 2, 2016, Mr. Miyazaki, Director of Mining Department of JFE Shoji Trade Corporation, which is subordinated to JFE Group, the second largest steel & iron group in Japan, had a field investigation in Xintai CUCC with a delegation. Mr. Hao Bin, Vice General Manager of Xintai CUCC, and some staffs received guests of JFE Shoji Trade Corporation. JFE Shoji Trade Corporation thanked Xintai CUCC for their warm welcome. They visited the production processes of Xintai CUCC, and learnt about the company’s operation concepts, production processes, product quality control, safety and environment protection, etc. Afterwards, both sides negotiated matters which the guests concerned. JFE Shoji Trade Corporation spoke highly of Xintai CUCC’s advanced technologies and equipment, complete management approaches, reliable product quality, clean and tidy environment, and excellent corporate culture, and hoped that this visit would lay a solid foundation for cooperation between the two sides in the future.  
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