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Structural Construction for Chile "Green Town Program" Phase I Completed

Source: CNBM Date: May 6, 2016 A celebration for the completion of structural construction of Copiapó New Houses Project Phase I undertaken by China Triumph International Engineering Co.,Ltd.(CTIEC, subsidiary of CNBM) was held on May 4 (Chile standard time). It marks a key milestone for CNBM in promoting its global "Green Town" strategy and enhancing its impact on South America markets. In addition, it lays solid foundation for further penetration into new house markets worldwide. Over 50 representatives attended the ceremony, including Chile's military officers, Chile Department of Housing and Construction, Banco Santander, Banco de Chile, as well as major property developers and constructors in Chile, Ecuador, Columbia, Argentina and Uruguay. After the brief on the project implementation and design ideas, the attendees showed great interest in the "New House + New Energy" model and highly praised the global operation ideas and management model of CTIEC. Journalists of CNN CHILE and other major media came to cover the ceremony. The Copiapó New Houses Project is CTIEC's first overseas EPC attempt in new houses. The project plans a total of 144 apartments, including a four-story building with 48 apartments in Phase I that started by the end of November, 2015. This is also Chile's first "New House + New Energy" light-steel residence, featuring "excellent anti-seismic performance, environmentally friendly, energy efficient, great comfort", extremely suitable for countries often struck by earthquake like Chile.  
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