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BNBM Participates in the China International Construction Steel Structure and Supporting Industries Expo

Source: BNBM Date: May 18, 2016 On May 14, the China International Construction Steel Structure and Supporting Industries Expo was inaugurated in Hefei. BNBM participated in the event with the FK lightweight external enclosing system, which is a key product of the prefabricated high-rise technology. At the event, BNBM exhibited the technical characteristics and prospect of the FK lightweight external enclosing system to customers of the industry, with illustrated text. The three-faced 1:1 prefabricated wall erected by BNBM on the site was particularly eye-catching, and quickly aroused hot discussion among the purchasers and colleagues. Compared to the exhibitors around, the BNBM’s booth was consulted by much more customers, worthy of the name “most popular booth”. Besides, as the first speech-making enterprise, BNBM explained and demonstrated the new technologies and processes of the FK lightweight external enclosing system at the concurrent presentation.  
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