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CNBM’s Leaders Meet with a Team Led by Commercial Counselor of Embassy of the Republic of Iraq in Beijing

Source: CNBM Date: May 31, 2016 On May 30, Huang Anzhong (Deputy GM of CNBM) met with Anwer (Commercial Counselor of Embassy of the Republic of Iraq in Beijing) to communicate on business cooperation.

Huang expressed welcome to the team led by Anwer, and looked back the favorable cooperation between CNBM and Iraq in the engineering and trading fields. As he said, CNBM, the world’s largest cement enterprise, is ranked 1stღ globally in scale of cement and gypsum board business, and has rich experience in contracting for overseas projects. On the basis, the group is dedicated to building smart factories with advanced technical equipment and top-ranking management, and providing the all-process service including equipment accessory supply and personnel training. Given Iraq is a country along the Belt and Road, the group is willing to cooperate with Iraqi enterprises in multiple modes, and boost the country in accelerating infrastructure construction and perfecting the industrial system.

As Anwer said, Iraq is located at the intersection between the Belt and Road. This is a significant advantage. At present, with political stability and a thousand things to do, South Iraq is being in heavy demand for building materials (cement, glass, etc.) and houses. With the hope of enhancing the communication and cooperation with CNBM, he invited CNBM to develop cooperation in engineering, investment, economy and trade and introduce its leading-edge capacity and advanced technologies to Iraq.  
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