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CTC Participates in the First China Guizhou International Green Building and Assembly Building Technology Products Expo

Source: CTC Date: June 6, 2016

From Jun 3 to Jun 5, the First China Guizhou International Green Building and Assembly Building Technology Products Expo was grandly held in Guiyang International Convention and Exhibition Center. The expo was sponsored by Guizhou Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development and Guizhou Provincial Development and Reform Commission, and co-sponsored by China Building Materials Academy (specially invited) and China Building Materials Test & Certification Group Co., Ltd. (CTC).

At the expo, CTC Cement Test & Certification Institute comprehensively exhibited its authority and strength in term of cement and cement product test, proficiency test, reference material test and consulting service, and demonstrated the instruments including Cr6+ tester and cement component tester. CTC Green Product Certification Institute introduced the green building materials appraisal marks of the MOHURD and the MIIT. As specially publicized by CTC Green Product Certification Institute, CTC, one of the 1st batch of three-star green building material appraisers in China, can supply one-stop service from guidance to appraisal to building material enterprises. Engaged in energy conservation and emission reduction in the cement industry, Tianyu Technology demonstrated a large-capacity LBY-VI puller. CTC Guizhou Company specially publicized its achievements in studying comprehensive utilization of solid wastes, and stated that it could practically assist an enterprise in improving the product quality and enhancing the process control in the forms of technical service, sampling inspection and entrustment inspection, and solve the problem of industrial residue over-piling.

During the expo, a forum themed by “promote urban-rural green development through green building actions” was held. Participated in by more than 200 domestic and overseas enterprises on a total area of 15,000m2, the expo was themed by green building, assembly building and green building material, and divided into 16 sectors (green building project, assembly building technology and product, green building material technology and product, energy-saving door, window and curtain wall, steel structure technology and equipment, high-performance cement, high-tensile steel bar, utilization of renewable energy, stone product and technical equipment, green building planning, design and consulting service, etc.).

Through the event, CTC exhibited its technical achievements made in the fields of building energy conservation, green building and building materials, improved its influence, and propagated the national development concepts——“innovation, coordination, green, opening-up, sharing”.

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