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CTIEC signs Myanmar's first PV power station project

Source: CTIEC Date: Aug 5, 2016 On August 4, China Triumph International Engineering Group Co., Ltd. (CTIEC) signed an EPC contract for a 220MW ground PV power station project in Minbu, Myanmar. The project is the first of its kind in Myanmar and the largest of its kind in Southeast Asia. The project is scheduled to be constructed in four phases and CTIEC will initiate Phase 1 immediately after the signing of the contract.     Prior to the signing ceremony, Peng Shou, Chairman and President of CTIEC, held talks with Executive Director Aung Thih and Supasit Pokinjaruras of GEP; Soraj Rojanabenjakul, CEO of VTE and the top leaders of the Myanmar Government. They undertook to make concerted efforts in the project, advance cooperation in fields such as new energy, new housing and new building materials in the future, and strive for further common development.        
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