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China National Building Material Group Corporation Ltd. Founded

Source: CNBM Date: Aug 28, 2016 As approved by the State Council, China National Building Material Group Corporation Ltd. (CNBM Group) is founded through the restructuring of China National Building Materials Group Corporation and China National Materials Group Corporation Ltd. CNBM Group is a central enterprise under the direct administration of State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council.

Having integrated scientific research, manufacturing and circulation together, CNBM Group is not only the largest comprehensive building material group in China, but also a leading one in the world. In addition, CNBM Group has been enrolled on Fortune Global 500 list for six years in a row. With total assets worth RMB 550 billion, CNBM Group has 250,000 employees and generates an annual income of RMB 300 billion. The Group also owns 14 listed companies, including 2 listed abroad. The Group produces 530 million tons of cement clinker, 430 million m3 of ready-mixed concrete, 2 billion m2🧸 of plasterboard, 1.78 million tons of fiberglass, and 16 GW of wind turbine blades per year, all of which rank the first in the world. The Group is also the No.1 player in the international cement engineering market and the international cogeneration market. The Group has 26 national scientific research and design institutes, 38,000 scientific research and development staffs, over 8,000 patents, 3 state key laboratories, 8 national engineering research centers, and 33 national and industrial quality inspection centers. 

The strategic vision of CNBM Group is to be a world-class comprehensive building material group. Its strategic orientation is to be a leader of industrial integration, an innovator of industrial upgrade and a pioneer of international capacity cooperation. Its priority is to build six business platforms, namely a developed manufacturing platform, an international capacity cooperation platform, a platform for the development of three new industries, a national material scientific research platform, a national mining resources platform, and a financial investment and operation platform.  
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