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Sinoma (Handan) Singed Vientiane Hongshi Sadita Cement Project

Source: Sinoma (Handan)Construction Co., Ltd. Date: Aug 30, 2016 Recently, Sinoma (Handan)Construction Co., Ltd. and Hongshi Holding Group Co., Ltd., held the signing ceremony for the main project of new dry production line with a daily output of 5,000 tons and the mechanical and electrical installation of Vientiane Hongshi Sadita Cement Co., Ltd. at the headquarters of Hongshi Holding Group. Positively responding to the Belt and Road Initiative, Hongshi Holding Group follows the current political situation closely and quickly makes overall arrangement in the overseas market. The project will definitely become a model of overseas operation and a new economic engine of Hongshi Holding Group. The successful implementation of the project is of great strategic significance for the continuous and sound development of Hongshi Holding Group. The strategic partnership between Sinoma (Handan) and Hongshi Holding Group has been established for a long period. The successful signing of the project symbolizes the first cooperation between both sides in overseas project, which could be regarded as a milestone. Both sides believe that on the basis of solid partnership, we will enhance cooperation, work with each other closely, apply refined management, control all elements in the process well, and develop the project to be an overseas model production line of Hongshi Holding Group.  
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