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West Papua Project in Indonesia Undertaken by Sinoma (Handan) Successfully Lit and Put into Production

Source: Sinoma (Handan) Construction Co., Ltd. Date: Aug 31, 2016 On August 27, the new dry cement clinker production line with a daily output of 3,200 tons of PT SDIC PAPUA CEMENT INDONESIA, which was undertaken by Sinoma (Handan) Construction Co., Ltd., was successfully lit and put into production. Since its commencement on September 1, 2015, under the care and guidance from leaders of the company, the West Papua Project Department have made deliberate scheduling and reasonable arrangement, overcome such disadvantages as difficulty in application for visa, delayed customs clearance of equipment, construction in rainy seasons, given a play to the company' s invincible spirit of fighting uphill battles, and delivered a solemn commitment to the owner as scheduled. The completion and operation of West Papua Project is another achievement under the close cooperation of Sinoma (Handan) and Conch Group. The project department will strive to reach the production, operation and management targets of the company as usual, and make contributions to the development of the company.  
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