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Minister of Department of Fisheries, Kiribati Visited and Investigated Zhongfu Xigang

Source: Zhongfu Xigang Ship Co., Ltd. Date: September 29, 2016 On September 28, Hon Tetabo Nakara, Minister of Department of Fisheries, the Republic of Kiribati, visited and investigated Weihai Zhongfu Xigang Ship Co., Ltd. And Wu Zhongyou, General Manager of Zhongfu Xigang warmly welcomed them. Hon Tetabo Nakara visited the production site of Zhongfu Xigang, and learned about the production scale, operation status and related fishing products of the company, and expressed high praise and recognition for the existing production technology. The investigation has laid a good foundation for Zhongfu Xigang to further launch and promote the Fishing Boart Market Project of the Republic of Kiribati. Pu Shaohua, President of Shanghai Fisheries General Corporation (Group), Du Xuejun, General Manager of KFL Kiribati Fishery Company, accompanied the investigation.  
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