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CTIEC Successfully Bid for Kazakhstan Clinker Cement Production Line EPC General Contract with the Daily Output of 2500 Ton

Source: CTIEC Date: October 9, 2016 On October 8, CTIEC successfully bid clinker cement production line EPC tender with the daily output of 2500 ton in Heli Town, Heli District, Kyzylorda Province, Kazakhstan.   The project is invested and held by China Gezhouba Group Cement Company and it will produce ordinary portland cement, sulfate-resistant cement, oil well cement and other varieties. CTIEC provides a complete turnkey project, such as a clinker cement production line with the daily output of 2500 ton, supporting office, living and ancillary facilities in the way of EPC engineering general contract. The Project was generally contracted by CTIEC and implemented by Beijing Triumph Group. The Kezhaerda Cement Project is the third one-million-ton cement project undertaken by CTIEC in Kazakhstan following Jambyl's one million ton cement EPC project and Shymkent's 1.1 million ton cement EPC project. Jambyl cerement factory and Shymkent cerement factory constructed by CTIEC in Kazakhstan has good construction quality. And they have high operation level when they are put into operation. And they both have become model projects of Kazakhstan's cement works. The Kezhaerda Cement Project is the first foreign cement investment project of China Gezhouba Group Cement Company. Upon completion, it will meet the demand for cement in the central and western Kazakhstan and fill in the gaps in its oil well cement, thus it will drive the economic development of Kazakhstan and make contribution for the close cooperation of China-Kazakhstan economy.  
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