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Consul General of PRC in Alma Ata visited Shymkent Cement Project Contracted by CTIEC

Source: CTIEC Date: Nov 11, 2016

Consul general of PRC in Alma Ata Mr. Zhang Wei visited Shymkent cement project Contracted by CTIEC on 10th, November.

Person in charge of the project briefed Mr. Zhang Wei on the construction situation of the project. Shymkent project has overcome many difficulties and created a record on completing an international cement project in the shortest period of time and a safety record on constructing for 2 million work hours without any accident. The project has become a landmark project for Heidelberg Cement Group. With a large portion of Chinese made equipments and high reliability, the project is an embodiment of state of the art Chinese products and technology. The project not only gained unanimous praise from owner, but also help owner raise their competitiveness. It has brought in a lot of opportunities for CTIEC’s cooperation with Heidelberg in the future. Mr. Zhang Wei highly appreciated the accomplishments that have been made by the project and spoke highly of CTIEC’s advanced management concept and pragmatic management mode. Mr. Zhang argued that success management experience of the project shall be extended to other Chinese enterprise in Kazakhstan to assist the implementation of “one belt, one road” policy. CITEC has set up an excellent image for Chinese enterprises and is a good example in china- Kazakhstan capacity cooperation. CITEC has also made tremendous contribution to local economy development and cooperation between the two countries. Mr. Zhang also mentioned that in the final stage of the project, CTIEC shall pay attention to safety and make sure that each employee can return home safely after completion of the work. Consulate-General of PRC in Alma-Ata will continue to support CITEC just as usual and will try its best to help Chinese enterprises in Kazakhstan solve problems and become a trustworthy and reliable “family of enterprise”.  
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