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CTIEC Reach a Strategic Partnership with Mitsubishi Corporation on the 10th Sino-Japanese Energy Saving and Environment Protection Comprehensive Forum

Source: CTIEC Date: Nov 28, 2016

The 10th Sino-Japanese Energy Saving and Environment Protection Comprehensive Forum co-hosted by China Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Commerce of PRC and Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan and Japan-China Economic Association was held in Beijing on 26th, November. CTIEC attended the foru🍸m and signed “strategic partnership on environment protection and energy saving” with Mitsubishi Corporation.

More than 800 people attended the forum including director of China Development and Reform Commission Mr. Xu Shaoshi, deputy minister of the Ministry of Commerce Mrs. Gao Yan, minister of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry Mr. Hiroshige Seko, president of Japan-China Economic Association Mr. Shoji Muneoka and government officials from both china and Japan, experts, scholars and enterprise representatives. In the forum, China and Japan exchanged their views on six topics including green development of the city, energy saving service, circulation economy, new energy motor, thermal power and long term trade between china and Japan and signed cooperation agreements on 29 projects. CTIEC and Mitsubishi Corporation (China) reach an agreement on energy saving and environment protection. Taking social responsibility as their duty and responding to china’s “one belt, one road” policy, the two parties will deepen cooperation in future as to make a joint contribution to global environment protection.  
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