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CNBM builds photovoltaic power station with largest single-unit capacity in Europe!


On the morning of October 9 (local time), Solara4 220MW in Portugal, the large-scale photovoltaic power station, saw its initial power generation ceremony as scheduled at the project site in southern Portugal. This power station has the largest single-unit capacity in Europe, and China Triumph International Engineering Co.,Ltd. (“CTIEC”) of CNBM is the general contractor of this project. Jo?o Fernandes, Minster of the Energy Department of Portugal, Jo?o Galamba, State Secretary of Portugal, leaders of the local government and of the national grid corporation, representatives from contractors, and local major media all attended this ceremony.It is reported that Solara4 holds the capacity to generate 382 billion watt-hours of electricity annually, which is equivalent to the electricity consumption of 200,000 households. While providing Portugal with high-efficiency and environment-friendly energy, it can also effectively reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 330,000 tons. The whole project uses high-efficiency photovoltaic cell modules, which are manufactured by Jetion Solar, a self-owned brand of CNBM, and fully comply with European standards and local government regulations.


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