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CNBM Signs Strategic Cooperation Agreement with Huawei

On February 7, China National Building Material Group Corporation (CNBM) and Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. (Huawei) held a signing ceremony of strategic cooperation agreement in Beijing. According to the strategic cooperation agreement, both parties will establish a strategic partnership and cooperate closely in the fields of research and development of new materials, digitalization, green and low-carbon development, and internationalization, etc., so as to promote the quality development of both sides. Zhou Yuxian, party secretary and chairman of CNBM, and Meng Wanzhou, vice chairman, rotating chairman, and chief financial officer of Huawei attended the ceremony and witnessed the signing. Wang Yumeng, member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee and deputy general manager of CNBM, presided over the signing ceremony. Yu Mingqing, executive deputy head of the Information Construction and Digital Transformation Working Group, member of the Party Committee, and vice president of CNBM, and Liu Wei, president of market and industrial development at Huawei Coal Mine Army, signed the agreement on behalf of both parties. Peng Shou, academician of the China Academy of Engineering, chief engineer of CNBM, and chairman of Triumph Science & Technology attended the signing ceremony.


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