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Li Xinhua Participated in the Board of Directors and Leaders Meeting of Global Cement and Concrete Association and Visited Italian Colacem Group


From June 12 to 16, Li Xinhua, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and General Manager of China National Building Materials Group, led a delegation to participate in the Board of Directors and Leaders Meeting of the Global Cement and Concrete Association (GCCA) in Zurich, Switzerland. The purpose of this participation was to represent China National Building Materials Group on the global stage within the cement industry, promoting the company's commitment to green and low-carbon development and its contributions to the sustainable development of the global cement industry. Additionally, Li Xinhua and the delegation had the opportunity to visit Colacem Group and its parent company, Financo Group, in Italy. During this visit, they witnessed the signing of a contract for a port project construction between Sinoma Construction and the Dominican Domicem Cement Plant, a subsidiary of Colacem Group.
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