
Home > CNBM worldwide

CNBM Worldwide

CNBM integrates such services as export of large-sized complete set of equipments and EPC, import and export of building materials and minerals, and resources development, etc., and operates worldwide. Till the end of 2010, CNBM had set up more than 38 branches and 8 offices worldwide involving 28 countries and regions located over five continents around the world, and established import and export business relations with more than 120 countries and regions. At present, the Group has more than 60 overseas building material production lines, including completed ones and those under construction.


United Arab Emirates

China National Building Material Group FZE

Phone: 0097148806686

Email: info@sinopro.ae;ericfu@sinopro.ae

 Wood&Timber  Steel  Scaffolding&Formwork  Machinery  Concrete&Cement  MEP  Hardware 

Plot No. S30408,Jafza South, Jebel Ali Free Zone


Sinoma energy conservation (Philippines) waste heat recovery co,. Ltd.

Phone: +63 9064071289

Email: miaoyumin@sinoma-ec.cn

  Solid Cement  

🎃Sitio Tagbac, Brgy. San Jose, Antipolo City, Rizal,Philippines

Sinoma energy conservation (Cebu) waste heat recovery co,. Ltd.

Phone: +63 9153272282

Email: lihonghai@sinoma-ec.cn

  APO Cement  

Brgy. Tina-an, City of Naga, Cebu 6037 Philippines


China jushi USA Corporation

Phone: +86 573-88181022

Email: teddy.zou@jushi.com

  glass fiber manufacturing

South Carolina, USA

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